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1. Bagchi, K., Emeršič, T., Martínez-González, J. A., de Pablo, J. J., & Nealey, P. F. (2023). Functional soft materials from blue phase liquid crystals. Science Advances, 9 (30), eadh9393. Link.

2. Bagchi, K., Emeršič, T., Wang, Z., Chen, W., Kim, M., Eom, C., ... & Nealey, P. F. (2023). Crystalline solid retains memory of anisotropy in precursor liquid crystalline phase. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11 (34), 11466-11475. Link.

3. Feng, H., Kash, B., Yim, S., Bagchi, K., Craig, G., Chen, W., Rowan, S.,& Nealey, P.F. (2023). Wetting behavior of A-block-(B-random-C) copolymers with equal block surface energies on surfaces functionalized with B-random-C copolymers. Langmuir, 39 (41), 14688–14698. Link.

4. Emeršič., T*, Bagchi, K*., Martínez‐González, J. A., Li, X., de Pablo, J. J., & Nealey, P. F. (2022). A Generalizable Approach to Direct the Self‐Assembly of Functional Blue‐Phase Liquid Crystals. Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (32), 2202721.*=Contributed Equally. Link.

5. Ferron, T. J., Thelen, J. L., Bagchi, K., Deng, C., Gann, E., de Pablo, J. J., ... & DeLongchamp, D. M. (2022). Characterization of the interfacial orientation and molecular conformation in a glass-forming organic semiconductor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2), 3455-3466. Link.

6. Fiori, M.E*., Bagchi, K*., Toney, M.F. and Ediger, M.D. (2021). Surface equilibration mechanism controls the molecular packing of glassy molecular semiconductors at organic interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (42), e2111988118. *=Contributed Equally. Link.

7. Bishop, C., Bagchi, K., Toney, M. F., & Ediger, M. D. (2022). Vapor deposition rate modifies anisotropic glassy structure of an anthracene-based organic semiconductor. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156 (1), 014504. Link.

8.Barták, J., Málek, J., Bagchi, K., Ediger, M. D., Li, Y., & Yu, L. (2021). Surface mobility in amorphous selenium and comparison with organic molecular glasses. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154(7), 074703. Link.

9. Bagchi, K., Fiori, M. E., Bishop, C., Toney, M. F., & Ediger, M. D. (2020). Stable glasses of organic semiconductor resist crystallization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125 (1), 461-466. Link.

10. Bagchi, K., & Ediger, M. D. (2020). Controlling structure and properties of vapor-deposited glasses of organic semiconductors: Recent advances and challenges. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(17), 6935-6945. Link. 

11. Thelen, J. L., Bishop, C., Bagchi, K., Sunday, D. F., Gann, E., Mukherjee, S., ... & DeLongchamp, D. M. (2020). Molecular orientation depth profiles in organic glasses using polarized resonant soft X-ray reflectivity. Chemistry of Materials, 32 (15), 6295-6309. Link.

12. Bagchi, K., Deng, C., Bishop, C., Li, Y., Jackson, N. E., Yu, L., ... & Ediger, M. D. (2020). Over what length scale does an inorganic substrate perturb the structure of a glassy organic semiconductor?. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (23), 26717-26726. Link. 

13. Bagchi, K., Gujral, A., Toney, M.F. and Ediger, M.D. (2019). Generic packing motifs in vapor-deposited glasses of organic semiconductors. Soft Matter, 15 (38), 7590-7595. Link.

14. Bagchi, K., Jackson, N.E., Gujral, A., Huang, C., Toney, M.F., Yu, L., de Pablo, J.J. and Ediger, M.D. (2018). Origin of anisotropic molecular packing in vapor-deposited Alq3 glasses. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(2), 164-170. Link.

15.Tangpatjaroen, C., Bagchi, K., Martínez, R.A., Grierson, D. and Szlufarska, I. (2018). Mechanical properties of structure-tunable, vapor-deposited TPD glass. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (48), 27775-27781. Link.

16. Van den Brande, N., Gujral, A., Huang, C., Bagchi, K., Hofstetter, H., Yu, L. and Ediger, M.D. (2018). Glass structure controls crystal polymorph selection in vapor-deposited films of 4, 4′-Bis (N-carbazolyl)-1, 1′-biphenyl. Crystal Growth & Design, 18(10), 5800-5807. Link. 

17. Bagchi, K., and Roy, S. (2014). Sensitivity of water dynamics to biologically significant surfaces of monomeric insulin: Role of topology and electrostatic interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118(14), 3805-3813. Link.

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